BSCS Science Learning
Transforming science education through research-driven innovation

Dennis Schatz

Senior Vice President for Strategic Programs

Pacific Science Center 

Dennis Schatz is the Senior Vice President for Strategic Programs at Pacific Science Center, Seattle, Washington, where he has played a leadership role for 36 years. During his tenure, he served as co-director of the Washington State LASER (Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform) program, and as a principal investigator for Portal to the Public, an initiative that engages scientists in working with public audiences to enhance the public’s understanding of the current science research and its application. He also served as a program director in the Advancing Informal STEM Learning program for the National Science Foundation.

He is the author of 23 science books for children that have sold almost 2 million copies worldwide and is also the co-author/editor of several curriculum resources for teachers.

Mr. Schatz joined the BSCS Board of Directors in 2014.

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5415 Mark Dabling Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

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